show off your penchant for dry feminist wit and distaste for unsavoury double standards while directly supporting male survivors of sexual assault with the purchase of this extra cute mug.
On Male Survivors of Sexual Assault from the SAC London website:
Many men have experienced traumatic incidents of sexual violence at the hands of family members, teachers or coaches. We know that there are different and sometimes overwhelming implications for men that may include questioning their sexuality, feeling complicit in their assault, or having others experience suspicion or disbelief when male survivors come forward for help.
We commit to supporting men through our 24-hour crisis line, providing referrals to - and working with - our community partners who offer counselling to men, and providing public education to dispel the pervasive and damaging myths about men’s sexual victimization. The goal of our recently launched service coordination project is to mitigate the fragmentation in services and help both male and female survivors get the information they need and connect them to professional and peer supports in the community.
We believe that every man who has experienced sexual violence deserves to be believed, to be treated with respect and dignity, and to receive the help he needs in order to begin to heal. Together with our community partners, we will work to achieve our vision of a world without sexual violence.
- See more at: http://www.sacl.ca/male-survivors/#sthash.pXoe5vQd.dpuf
$5 from the sale of each mug will be donated to SAC London to help support their programs specific to male survivors of sexual assault.